Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Literature

With four tenured faculty, MU offers three well-defined individual programs with students pursuing graduate degrees in each area (see the lists of current students and recent dissertations below). Faculty in the three areas routinely work together on dissertation committees and collaborate on research initiatives, such as the 2011 Future of Archives conference, which was organized by three of our faculty together with faculty from other departments and featured keynotes by William Ferris (UNC) and Robert Darnton (Harvard).

The greatest shared strength that we have to offer students in all three areas is our campus-wide Interdisciplinary Working Group for Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Studies, a lively reading group that has been meeting at least three times each semester since 2003. We also embrace the department’s commitment to professional development, routinely attending professional conferences with our students, co-designing and teaching courses with them, and offering extensive individual mentoring.


Curators' Professor of English
330 Tate Hall
Professor and Catherine Paine Middlebush Chair of English
235 Tate Hall
230 Tate Hall