Sheri-Marie Harrison
Sheri-Marie Harrison

PhD University of Miami 2008
I research and teach Caribbean literary and cultural studies, contemporary global Anglophone literature, and mass culture of the African Diaspora. I am also the Faculty Fellow for Faculty Development, Diversity, and Inclusion in the College of Arts and Science. My first book Difficult Subjects: Negotiating Sovereignty in Postcolonial Jamaican Literature was published by the Ohio State University Press in 2014, and my research has been published in various venues including Modern Fiction Studies, Small Axe, The Oxford Research Encyclopedia and The Los Angeles Review of Books. I have a forthcoming essays in a multi-volume edited collection Caribbean Literature in Transition, published by the Cambridge University Press, a special issue of Amerikastudien/American Studies on “Literary Criticism after Postcritique," The Edinburgh Companion to Globalgothic, and The Cambridge Companion to Contemporary African American Literature. I am also currently working on a manuscript tentatively titled After the Beginning Ends: Contemporary Fiction and Iconoclasm and an author study of the work of Marlon James tentatively titled Marlon James: Fiction at the End of Self.
“Marlon James,” The Encyclopedia of American Fiction (Forthcoming, Wiley 2020)
“Us and Them: Between Race Class and the Tether,” Commune 3 (Summer 2019)
“Marlon James and the Metafiction of the New Black Gothic,” Journal of West Indian Literature 29.2 (December 2018)
“The New Black Gothic,” Los Angeles Review of Books, 23 June 2018.
Guest editor of “Fanon in the Present” Critical Forum, College Literature 45.1.
Jamaica’s Difficult Subjects: Negotiating Sovereignty in Anglophone Caribbean Literature and Criticism, (The Ohio State University Press 2014).
“Global Sisyphus: Re-reading the Jamaican Sixties through A Brief History of Seven Killings,” Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism 54, (November 2017).
“The Neoliberal Novel of Migrancy,” Neoliberalism and Culture, eds. Mitchum Huehls and Rachel Greenwald Smith, (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2017).
Review of J. Dillon Brown & Leah Reade Rosenberg (eds.), Beyond Windrush: Rethinking Postwar Anglophone Caribbean Literature (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2015). New West Indian Guide 91 (2017): 50-51.
“Twenty-First Century West Indian Fiction,” The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature (March 2017).
“Excess in A Brief History of Seven Killings.” Contemporaries 24 October 2015.
“Tourism is Forever” Review of Matthew Parker, Goldeneye, Where James Bond Was Born: Ian Fleming’s Jamaica (New York: Pegasus Books, 2015). Los Angeles Review of Books (9 June 2015).
“#tessnation: Nation and Diaspora in the Twenty-First Century.” Los Angeles Review of Books 3 March 2014.
“‘Who worked this evil, brought distance between us?’ The Politics of Sexual Interaction in Sylvia Wynter’s The Hills of Hebron.” Modern Fiction Studies 59.1 (2013): 156-174.
“‘Yes, ma’am, Mr. Lowe:’ Lau A-Yin and the Politics of Gender and Sexuality in Patricia Powell’s The Pagoda,” Anthurium: A Caribbean Studies Journal 7.1 (2009).