Images of students enjoying a variety of experiences and a photo of one of a recent book cover.
Tear Background

Read.  Write.  Do what you love.

Are you looking for a class in creative writing? Seeking to read and discuss great novels from around the world? Learn more about Shakespeare, Indigenous filmmaking, Victorian writers, the history of the English language, or contemporary poetry? Hone your communication skills to prepare for a career in the media? Or are you shopping for a nationally recognized PhD program with a creative writing emphasis? Whether you are interested in creative writing, literary history, linguistics, rhetoric, or theory, we have the faculty and courses to meet your needs. We take each aspect of our mission seriously as we seek to educate the twenty-first century student for a successful and fulfilling career.

The mission of the MU English department is:

  • to educate students in English-language literatures and cultures
  • to promote research, scholarship, and creative endeavors
  • to train its graduates to be active and articulate global citizens

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