Jesutofunmi Omowumi
Jesutofunmi Omowumi

PhD in English – African Diaspora Studies, University of Missouri (in progress)
M.A. in English – Writing and Rhetoric, University of Michigan-Flint
B.A. in English, Covenant University, Nigeria
Areas of Study
- African Diaspora Studies
- Modern and Contemporary Literature
Pronouns: he/him/his
Jesutofunmi Omowumi’s research focuses on 20th through 21st century African American literature, African Literature, and other global artistic productions that transcend the borders of America or Africa. He currently teaches students to see the body as text and as a site of critical knowledge in traditional and nonconventional contexts through intensive writing processes and workshops. He has published several news stories working as a journalist in Nigeria while his fiction and poetry has been picked up in places such as Story and The Kalahari Review.