Haskell Hinnant

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Professor Emeritus

PhD 1966, Columbia University

Research and Teaching

18th-century English Literature and critical theory

Charles Haskell Hinnant, Catherine Paine Middlebush Chair (1997-2000) received a Gold Chalk Award in 1999-2000. He is the coeditor (with Barbara McGovern of Ohio State) of The Anne Finch Wellesley Manuscript Poems(University of Georgia Press, 1998). In 1994, he published 'Steel for the Mind': Samuel Johnson and Critical Discourse and The Poetry of Anne Finch (both University of Delaware Press). He is a member of the editorial board of Restoration: Studies in English Culture: 1660-1700.

Selected Publications

His articles include: "Forum: The London Jilt" in Restoration, 29(2005); "Shaftesbury, Burke, and Wollstonecraft: Permutations on the Sublime and the Beautiful," in Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation, 46(2005); "Moll Flanders, Roxana, and First-Person Female Narratives: Models and Prototypes" in Eighteenth-Century Novel, 4(2005); "Jane Austen's 'Wild Imagination': Romance and the Courtship Plot in the Six Canonical Novels" in Narrative, 14(2006); and "Moll Flanders, Roxana, and the French Tradition of the Pseudo-Memoir" in The Age of Johnson, 17(2006). His edition of the anonymous London Jilt was published by Broadview Press in December 2007. A lively, picaresque narrative, The London Jilt is presented as the memoir of a lady of pleasure who tells of her sexual adventures while supplying a running commentary reminiscent of the Wife of Bath. An essay entitled "The Erotics of the Gift: Gender and Exchange in Eighteenth-Century Fiction," is scheduled to be published in a collection of essays entitled The Culture of the Gift by Palgrave/Macmillan in 2008.