Advanced Fiction: Fiction and Time Travel (online)

Fiction and Time Travel
ENGL 8510
Trudy Lewis
Course Description

In this graduate writing workshop, we will address the treatment of time in fiction.  The class will include works of science fiction, historical fiction, and fiction of the moment, particularly works designed to reflect a sense of immediacy.  We will refer to Joan Silber’s The Art of Time in Fiction as our guide.  Other texts may include: The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin, The Snow Collectors by Tina May Hall, The Topeka School by Ben Lerner, The Last Days of New Paris by China Mieville, and Paris 7 A.M.  by Liza Wieland.  Each student will write a mid-semester experiment addressing the course’s theme in a manner of their own choosing. In addition, students will workshop two stories and/or novel chapters, give an oral report, and a produce a final portfolio of 35-50 pages.