
English 4630/7630
Michael Marlo
Course Description

This course introduces some of the essential topics in phonology through problem-solving and analysis. We begin by introducing the International Phonetic Alphabet, and the types of sounds present in the languages of the world. In the rest of the term, students learn to analyze changes in the pronunciation of words or smaller units of meaning. For example, students will be able to explain why the plural suffix is pronounced as [z] in tiger-s but as [s] in cat-s and why the prefix in the English adjectives in-tolerant and im-possible is pronounced as in- in some words and as im- in other words. We will study diverse sound patterns from languages around the world, and in doing so students will learn to construct phonological arguments and to write professional descriptions and analyses of phonological data following the stylistic and technical conventions of the field. There are no prerequisites for this course, but it is recommended that the student have taken one prior course in linguistics, such as LING 1060, Human Language. This course satisfies one of the core prerequisites for the capstone course of the Linguistics major, LING 4870, Field Methods in Linguistics.