Creative Writing Visiting Writers Series: Corinna Cook


Corinna Cook is the author of Leavetakings, an essay collection (University of Alaska Press, 2020). Her essays blend research with reverie and have previously appeared in publications such as FlywayAlaska Quarterly Review, Ocean State Review, and Alaska Magazine. Corinna’s critical writing appears in Assay: A Journal of Nonfiction Studies and New Writing: The International Journal for the Theory of Creative Writing. She writes about teaching for Pedagogy and American Literary Studies, and her freelance work appears in publications including, Essay Daily, and Yukon North of Ordinary.

Corinna is a former Fulbright Fellow, an Alaska Literary Award recipient, and a Rasmuson Foundation Individual Project Awardee. Her current projects-in-progress include an essay collection about Alaska-Yukon arts and histories (project origin story here), and a public history collaboration with Marie Adams Carroll about the early years of the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission.

Corinna holds degrees from Pomona College and the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and she earned a PhD in English and Creative Writing from the University of Missouri. She serves as core nonfiction faculty in Alaska Pacific University’s low-res MFA program in creative writing, and offers consultation and developmental editing services through her humanities microbusiness, Outer Point Essays.