The Theory and Practice of Teaching Literature (1-credit course)

Section 01
Anne Myers
Course Description

This course is intended to prepare you to teach literature at the college level. Because the teaching of literature is not discrete from teaching in general, some of our reading, discussion and assignment design will focus on topics that might be useful in many kinds of classrooms, while other aspects of the course will focus on issues specific to the teaching of literature.

Overall, the goal of the course is to increase the number of pedagogical tools you have at your disposal. These tools will boost your confidence and flexibility in the classroom, prepare you to teach a range of texts and literary subjects, and build the facility and sophistication with which you are able to think and talk about teaching, with your peers here at MU, on the job market and beyond.

There will be weekly short assignments and workshops; each week, you will either design a sample assignment that could be adapted for use in a future literature class or offer feedback on the work of your peers. Readings are short and practical. 

Graduate students are required to take this course before teaching a literature course at MU. Taking the course, however, does not guarantee the opportunity to teach a literature course the following semester or year.