Intermediate Composition

Section 02
Britt Wilson
Course Description

Ever wonder why we write the ways we do? Where do all the “rules” of writing come from, and when do we have the creative flexibility to think outside of the box?

English 2010 serves as an introduction to Writing Studies and as the foundational course for the Rhetoric and Writing Studies minor. In this course, we will explore the possibilities of rhetoric and writing through an emphasis on genre and the rhetorical situation. This course will challenge you to think critically about how writing and rhetoric both shape and are shaped by the cultural, political, and communal landscapes they are found in.

Not only will we consider familiar academic genres in new ways, but you will also explore new, multimodal forms of writing like podcasts, blog posts, and more. Throughout the semester, you will take on the roles of both writer and researcher, as each project will challenge you to discover new information through the collection of your own primary research. This course makes writing an interactive process that requires critical thought and reflection, hands-on learning, and a collaborative spirit from a community of writers.