Seminar in 18th-Century British Literature: Varieties of 18th c. Fiction
Seminar in 18th-Century British Literature: Varieties of 18th c. Fiction
This course will explore major works of eighteenth-century fiction, with attention to a diverse range of forms and themes. Primary readings will likely include: Defoe's Robinson Crusoe; Haywood's Fantomina; Swift's Gulliver's Travels; Richardson's Clarissa (abridged); Sterne's Tristram Shandy; and Burney's Evelina. We will also focus on important secondary materials relevant to the study of eighteenth-century fiction, including but not limited to debates about "the rise of the novel." This course will also introduce students to various arguments and methods concerning the study of literary history. Upon completion of this course, students will be familiar with some of the main works of eighteenth-century fiction as well as the main trends in the relevant criticism, know how to use the major research tools (both printed and electronic) to research fiction from this period, and complete a major research paper on a topic relevant to this course.